Junk Food, Junk Food, Everywhere
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I have two children, a 10-year-old and a 6-year-old. In our home we eat very nutritiously, and I always try to have enough healthy snacks that the kids can grab when they want. The problem isn't in our home, though- I feel like every time we are away from home, they are needlessly bombarded with junk food. As a reward for taking a difficult practice test at school, the students were all given ice cream sandwiches. It seems like every other day it is someone's birthday at school or at one of their extracurricular activities, which means there are inevitably cupcakes and candy and soda. My 6-year-old went on a playdate with a new friend and got completely ramped up because her friend's mother let them drink extremely sugary juice all afternoon. I can't help but feel as though all of these situations are undercutting my attempts to feed them healthfully. I don't want to be "that mother" who won't let her children socialize because of junk food, but I have to be honest, I find it kind of disgusting! What can I do?
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